Ms. Birnbaum 2nd grade teacher

Who was your favorite teacher?
Ms. Erikson was my favorite because she really got to know here students as individuals. I remember her coming to one of our softball games in 3rd grade and taking the class to her family’s farm to pick pumpkins.

What did Prescott students do that made you proud last year?
Last year, I was proud of my students’ willingness to try new and harder things throughout the year.

What are your hopes and dreams for your students?
I hope that my students become independent thinkers and problem solvers.

What do you hope to accomplish as an educator?
I hope to get to know my students and develop a safe and welcoming environment for my students to learn in.

For my students this year, I promise…​to listen to them​.
For my colleagues this year, I promise…
​to maintain open lines of communication.

Ms. Storey 2nd grade teacher

Hello, my name is Mrs. Storey and I am teaching 2nd grade at Prescott. I have been an elementary school teacher for the past 10 years, teaching Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade around the city of Chicago. I am originally from Arizona. I went to Northwestern University and I am a huge Wildcat football fan. My husband is a Firefighter and we have two daughters that are 4 years old and a baby. I love teaching the joy of reading to students!